In ThE PiT!
Get HARDCORE "In The PIT" every weekday from 6-7pm
closeGet HARDCORE "In The PIT" every weekday from 6-7pm
closeKick Ass METAL Music to get some SH!T Done!!
closeIt's HAPPY HOUR with BIG MIKE in the TRAFFIC SLAM!! Remember not to Drink & Drive, You might spill your Drink!
closeSLAYER all Sunday!!! Plus all of your favorite METAL & lots of SLAYER.
closePaRtY every Saturday night with SteveO & BIG Mike!! Cranking all of your favorite Classic & New Metal bands + Great Segments like Vern's Vault, BREW Review, Local Support & Essential Metal. Stock up on some drinks & get ready to go METAL to MIDNIGHT!!
closeCurrent Metal From all of your favorite METAL Bands!